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Do you need a child custody order modification?

On Behalf of | Feb 21, 2022 | Child Custody |

A lot may have changed since the court first issued your current child custody orders. As a parent, you may feel that the current arrangement is no longer suiting your children’s best interests.

If that’s your situation, you need to take action as soon as possible and protect your children – the earlier, the better. 

What exactly is a good reason to ask for a modification?

Every situation is unique, but these are some of the most common reasons that one parent may seek a custody modification: 

  • Irresponsible behavior by the other parent, such as emotional or physical neglect
  • Personality conflicts between the other parent and the child
  • Violence or abuse to the children by the other parent or that parent’s partner
  • Repeated and purposeful failures to adhere to the custody order
  • The other parent’s problem with drug abuse, intoxication or incarceration
  • One parent wishes to relocate to a distant location

The judge will evaluate the circumstances and determine the way forward with every case, with the best interests of the children taking priority.

How long does it take to modify custody orders?

In dire situations, you may even be issued temporary orders before a final ruling on the matter is made. For instance, if the children are at obvious risk of bodily injury and you cannot wait until the court has time for a full hearing, the temporary orders could even grant you sole custody pending the determination of your case.

Child custody modifications can be very emotional and very complicated. If you’re not sure about your legal options, talk to someone with the appropriate legal experience to guide your case.
