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Even with sibling surrogacy, you need a written contract

On Behalf of | Jan 17, 2022 | Surrogacy |

There are countless reasons why aspiring parents need help growing their families. Sometimes, a woman has already had adverse reactions to pregnancy in the past, so another pregnancy would endanger her health. Other times, the couple may have tried numerous means to conceive naturally without success. Couples where both partners are of the same sex will also need outside assistance bringing new life into this world.

In any of these scenarios, surrogacy can be an effective solution. Surrogacy involves a gestational carrier helping a family add a baby. People often hire professionals for surrogacy, but working with someone you know personally is also an option.

A sibling agreeing to assist with your surrogate pregnancy could be a dream come true for your family, but you still want to protect yourself with a contract even if the gestational carrier is someone you’ve known your whole life.

Surrogacy contracts are important for everyone involved

There are numerous reasons why surrogacy contracts are so important. Surrogacy is intensely personal and often highly emotional. Emotions can change over the course of the surrogacy process. Having everything in writing before the process begins helps to minimize the risk of conflict later.

A surrogacy contract helps ensure that the hopeful parents don’t wind up disappointed. It also helps protect the gestational carrier. If a sibling or other family member agreed to serve as a surrogate, you may not pay for their services.

However, it is typical for those requesting surrogacy arrangements to pay for the medical costs associated with pregnancy and delivery. A surrogacy agreement helps protect the gestational carrier from unexpected medical bills and other losses, such as unearned income if she must take medical leave due to complications. 

Your contract will help preserve your future relationship

Entering into a formal agreement with someone with whom you have a biological relationship can put that familial bond at risk. A thorough and mutually beneficial surrogacy contract reduces the likelihood that you will have a strained relationship with the other party after the surrogacy process.

Thinking ahead to protect yourself and your relationship with the gestational carrier if they are in your family can be an important part of the surrogacy process.
