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What determines if you can move with your child after a divorce?

On Behalf of | Feb 2, 2021 | Child Custody |

If you recently received a job offer in another city or a different state, you probably hoped to relocate with your child. But doing so after a divorce can be more complicated than moving on your own.

If you share custody with your ex, relocating after a divorce may not be as easy as you might expect. You can’t just put down a deposit on a new house and start packing. You likely need to go to court and ask for a custody modification.

Distant relocations require court filings

If you intend to move from one neighborhood to another, you probably don’t need to advise anyone of that decision. However, your custody order likely contains limitations on your relocation rights to protect the relationship between your child and your ex.

If you move beyond the limitations established under Georgia law or in your custody order, you will need to notify the courts and the other parent of your intention to move. The other parent will then have the option of contesting the suggested move.

What happens when parents don’t agree about relocation?

If parents sharing custody don’t agree about the necessity of a relocation or if one parent worries a move will impact their parenting time, the courts may have to make a decision on behalf of the family.

As with other custody decisions, the most important influence in a relocation case will be the best interests of the child. Showing how the move will benefit your kids and your household can increase your chances of securing a modification when the time comes to move.
