Jeffrey B. Hicks & Sherriann H. Hicks | The Hicks Law Group

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What types of alimony are available in Georgia?

On Behalf of | Jun 22, 2021 | Divorce |

Sometimes, a divorce can result in financial hardships for one of the two spouses. In such cases, a family court may allow the affected spouse to receive spousal support, commonly known as alimony. Since support laws across the nation have evolved over the years, divorcing spouses in the Lawrenceville region should learn how such support works in Georgia.

Is there more than one kind of alimony?

Yes, and many states offer several kinds of spousal support. In Georgia, there are three forms of alimony available to residents.

Permanent support. In past decades, a divorced person could reasonably expect to receive spousal support permanently, or at least until marrying again. In these more modern times, a permanent alimony award is rare. However, courts may award such support for older residents or those with few limited prospects.

Temporary support. Receiving alimony temporarily is much more common than permanent support. A court may order temporary spousal support to help divorced individuals learn a trade, seek education or train for a new job. This type of support ensures financial stability in the short-term aftermath of divorce.

Lump-sum support. In some cases, a spouse may receive spousal support in one lump-sum payment rather than spread across months or years. It is usually wise to seek guidance from a legal advocate if you have an interest in this type of alimony.

Many residents believe it is hard to acquire spousal support in the 21st century. Although it is not always easy, family courts will typically approve an alimony petition if you can show that you need it to survive and set yourself up for a financially stable future.
