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Representing Gestational Carriers and Intended Parents Through the Surrogacy Process

Assisted reproduction technologies allow many people who are unable to conceive a child on their own to become parents. Exciting developments in the medical field to allow for surrogate pregnancies have led to the need for complex laws to better define parenthood issues for gestational carriers and intended parents. Similarly, choosing whether gestational surrogacy or adoption is the better choice under your unique circumstances may be a difficult question for you to answer alone.

Sherriann is a well-respected and experienced lawyer who focuses on helping people build families through assisted reproductive technologies, the surrogacy process and adoption. She can help you understand which of these exciting options may be the most appropriate for you. In addition to the information on this page, please review our assisted reproduction and adoptions pages for more information on the potential choices you may have to realize the joy of parenthood.

What is Surrogate Pregnancy?

In a surrogate pregnancy, a woman agrees to carry and deliver a child on behalf of a couple or individual. If you are using a surrogate to have a child, you need to be protected as an intended parent. If you have agreed to serve as a gestational carrier, you also need legal protection. The surrogacy process may allow you to have a child that is genetically related to you or your partner, or related to both of you through assisted reproductive technology. While the biological tie may be present medically, it is important for you to address the legal side of parenthood in the surrogacy process.

Typically, the intended parents and chosen surrogate will need to go through a medical screening process. The gestational carrier needs to be healthy to carry the child. All of the parties should be screened to ensure their readiness to emotional impact of the birth of a child using a gestational carrier. Sherriann is highly experienced in providing answers and advice regarding the surrogacy process. Call toll-free at 678-894-9097 to learn more.

Why Do I Need a Surrogacy Lawyer?

The surrogacy process is highly rewarding for all involved. However, legal issues run alongside any surrogacy arrangement. Whether you are seeking to build your family as intended parents or you are considering serving as a gestational carrier, you cannot ignore the legal issues surrounding surrogacy. Sherriann is experienced throughout the nation in representing intended parents and gestational carriers – protecting their best interests and rights.

Sherriann will represent you in negotiating your surrogacy agreement and walk you through the contract so there are no surprises or misunderstandings. Assisted reproduction laws change frequently, but Ms. Hicks stays up to date on applicable statutes and regulations throughout the country.

Establishing parentage in the surrogacy process varies in states across the country. Sherriann will help you navigate through the applicable parentage laws. In some states, it is possible to obtain a pre-birth parentage order. Sherriann works with clients throughout the country to establish rights and finalize parentage issues to allow intended parents to realize legal parental rights and move forward as proud parents when the process is complete.

Get Started on Your Surrogacy Journey

Discuss your plans for surrogate pregnancy with Sherriann. Call 678-894-9097, or send an email. She will respond promptly.

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