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Avoid making these common surrogate mistakes

On Behalf of | Nov 13, 2019 | Firm News |

Surrogacy allows couples who are unable to have a child become parents. This process usually happens in two different ways. With a traditional surrogacy, the birth mother is artificially inseminated and is genetically related to the baby. Gestational surrogacy occurs when an egg from the adoptive mother is fertilized with the adoptive father’s sperm.

Giving the gift of a child to a couple can be an amazing process if everything is handled correctly. However, there are some mistakes that you will want to avoid. Some of these mistakes could complicate things and start a costly legal battle.

What mistakes should you be aware of?

When deciding to become a surrogate, there are many things you will want to research and consider. This is a life-changing process, so you may want to take some time and think about each aspect. Some common surrogacy mistakes can include:

  • Underestimating the impact on yourself: When becoming a first-time surrogate, it can be easy to overlook the time and toll the pregnancy will take on you and only focus on the monetary gain. You might want to think about how this pregnancy will affect your career and health.
  • Forgetting the emotional toll: Going into the pregnancy, you might be thinking it will be easy to hand over the newborn to the adoptive parents. However, carrying a child for nine months and changing your daily life for the benefit of the baby may cause you to grow attached. This emotional toll may be even more challenging to overcome if it was a traditional surrogacy.
  • Choosing the wrong agency: When deciding on a surrogacy agency, you might want to consider other aspects besides the money they offer you.
  • Failing to consult with a lawyer: When choosing to become a surrogate, you may want to speak with a lawyer about drafting a surrogacy agreement. Some states do not directly outline surrogacy in their laws. Because of this, it is essential to have an attorney create a clear contract for all parties.

Agreeing with the adoptive parents on important issues before becoming a surrogate can eliminate any arguments later and help the entire process flow smoothly.

If you are thinking about becoming a surrogate, speaking with a lawyer is in your best interest. An attorney will be able to answer any questions you have and help write an agreement.
